Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A day in the Life.

Wanted to get my bike up to the shop in Tacoma where I bought it 4 years ago. Figured I'd leave early enough in the afternoon that I could take my time. And I decided to ride to downtown Oly and then take the bus to Tacoma - which is silly since it's in the opposite direction and I could catch the Express Bus in Lacey.

Long story short, I had a good time taking photos in Oly and didn't make it to the bike shop before 6. But I did find a nice Thai place down the street from it. So the whole trip wasn't entirely a complete waste of time.

Here's the one photo I shot in Tacoma:

Oly was awesome. The sun was out, the air was fresh, gulls played for my camera, it was like a mini-summer. By the time I got off the Bus in Tacoma, downtown was in mostly in shadow and it was bitterly cold. I thought I saw snow flying during the bus ride down I-5. The ride home from Lacey was extremely cold.

This morning, when I woke up, there was snow on the ground. No bike riding today.

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